The Mother’s Union is a global Christian movement, inspired by the vision of Mary Sumner, helping the world’s hardest to reach communities to transform their lives. We have been providing support for families since 1876. We have 4 million members world wide and are active in 84 countries. Together we are working towards a future free of violence, poverty and injustice and work with people of all faiths and none. We support local, national and international charities.
At St. Andrew’s Church we meet regularly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2pm in our church annex and share friendship, fellowship, have guest speakers and occasional trips and meals out together. We have a short service at the beginning of each meeting and offer a very warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. We would love to welcome you to our meetings to find out what we do.
‘May we always see the world through the eyes of Christ, speak to those we meet with the words of Christ, and take with us on our journey the peace of Christ.’
Barbara Hall (Leader)